A selection ofTED TALKSonMusic | Technology | Creativity | Innovation| Eric Whitacre |A virtual choir Chor, 2000 voices strong| Brandon Bailey Johnson |Music Production And The Art Of Collaboration| Mark Ronson |How Sampling Transformed Music| Zoe Philpott |Ada Lovelace: The Original Woman in Tech| Michele Benincaso |The next (r)evolution in musical instrument technology| Alexis Charpentier |How record collectors find lost music and preserve our cultural heritage| Matt Russo |What does the universe sound like? A musical tour| James Humberstone |The Science of Dubstep| Benjamin Zander |The transformative power of classical music| Pierre Barreau |How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack to your life| David Byrne |How architecture helpded music evolve| Michael Tilson Thomas |Music and emotion through time| Mark Applebaum |The mad scientist of music| Tim Exile |An instrument anyone can play| Tod Machover & Dan Ellsey |Inventing instruments that unlock new music| Evelyn Glennie |How to truly listen| Pamelia Kurstin |Theremin, the untouchable music| Kate Stone |DJ decks made of paper| Robert Gupta |Music is medicine, music is sanity| Ryan Holladay |To hear this music you have to be there. Literally.| Reggie Watts |Beats That Defy Boxes.| Julian Treasure |The 4 ways sound affects us.| Lawrence Lessig |Re-examining the remix.| Charles Hazlewood |Trusting the ensemble. | Charles Limb |Building the musical muscle.| Julian Treasure |The 4 ways sound affects us.| Scott Rickard |The world’s ugliest music.| Beardyman |The polyphonic me. | Vincent Moon & Nana Vasconcelos |The world’s hidden music rituals.| Peter Kirn |From Beethoven to Kinect, linking music to our bodies.| Meklit Hadero |The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds.| José Antonio Abreu |The El Sistema music revolution.| Jorge Drexler |Poetry, music and identity.| Mark Moebius |A new dimension of music.| Indre Viskontas |How music makes me a better neuroscientist.| Anita Collins |What if every child would have access to music education.| Esha Alwani |What it’s like to have Tourette’s — and how music gives me back control.| Es Devlin |Mind-blowing stage sculptures that fuse music and technology.| Elisabeth Cawein |How to build a thriving music scene in your city.| Tom Thum & Matt Broadhurst |What happens in your throat when you beatbox.| Christine Sun Kim |The enchanting music of sign language.| Neil Harbisson |I listen to colour.| Renzo Vitale |What should electric cars sound like?| Jack Conte |How artists can (finally) get paid in the digital age.| Hadi Eldebek |Why must artists be poor?| Emmett Shear |What streaming means for the future of entertainment.| Rebecca Knill |How technology has changed what it’s like to be deaf.| Adam Gazzaley |Promise of tech and the brain.| Roger Antonsen |Math is the hidden secret to understanding the world.| Jennifer Vail |The science of friction – and its surprising impact on our lives.| Simone Giertz |Why you should make useless things.| Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi |Flow, the secret to happiness.| Charles Limb |Your mind on improv.| Golan Levin |Art that looks back at you.| Woody Norris | Hypersonic sound and other inventions.| Chieko Asakawa |How new technology helps blind people explore the world.| Jiabao Limulti |How technology mediates the way we perceive reality.| Michela Magas |The end of binary.| Mick Ebeling |The invention that unlocked a locked-in artist.| John Maeda | How art, technology and design inform creative leaders.| Eric Berridge |Why tech needs the humanities.| Ray Kurzweil |The accelerating power of technology.| Peter Diamandis |Abundance is our future.| Maurice Conti |The incredible inventions of intuitive AI.| Macinley Butson |How ancient technology inspired my award-winning inventions.| Massimo Banzi |How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination.| Linus Torwalds |The man behind Linux.| Ellen Jorgensen |Biohacking – you can do it, too.| Steven Johnson |The playful wonderland behind great inventions.| Suzie Sheehy |The case for curiosity-driven research.| Lucas Cantor |What Artificial Intelligence taught me about music.| Tod Machover & Dan Ellsey |Releasing the music in your head.