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MEMBER OF THE WEEK: Soundbrenner

This week’s “Member Of The Week” is Soundbrenner. A company that develops and distributes music tools and solutions for musicians improvement. Their current main product is the Soundbrenner Pulse, a vibrating metronome that allows musicians to feel the beat. It works hand in hand with your metronome app (mobile and desktop) as well a body strap for positioning Soundbrenner Pulse on other parts of the body, e.g. on the chest of the musician.

We asked one of its founders Julian Vogels a few questions about his journey with Soundbrenner so far.

Stephan Baumann MusicTech Germany Member

MEMBER OF THE WEEK: Stephan Baumann

Our “Member Of The Week” this week is Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Baumann, PhD in music and AI research, passionate musician and sound artist and Germany’s leading researcher on AI for music at DFKI.

Dr. Johannes Ripken_tamanguu


The Kiel-based startup and MusicTech Germany e.V. member tamanguu has built a web application that supports business people in building and maintaining strong business relationships. The application gives the user an ideal overview of their own important contacts and communication with them.

sxsw CreativeTech Grant thumbnail

Introducing the “CreativeTech Grant SXSW 2019”.

In cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, Initiative Musik, and German Haus at SXSW 2019, MusicTech Germany announces a number of grants to startups and innovators that work and currently develop innovative products or services at the intersections of the cultural and creative industries and technology, as well as to artists working with emerging technologies.

Music Unchained @ c/o pop: The Synch Edition

Join us for this special Music Unchained edition on the Future of Synch, untapped opportunities, and challenges ahead for the AV industry, curated in collaboration with c/o pop convention and MusicTech Germany.

Berlin, Europe’s Music Tech Capital

Berlin Partner produced a great little video that highlights why Berlin is the Music Tech Capital of Europe. Berlin's music tech scene is both lively and internationally successful. The proximity ...
Tech Open Air 2018

TOA 2018

MusicTech Germany is a community partner of this year's Tech Open Air. Be there when the startup and creative scene meet in Berlin on June 20 and 21.

Sonar+d 2018

MusicTech Germany is an official partner of this year's sonar +D. We will be there with some of our members from June 14 to 17. Claudia Schwarz will also be ...

Midem 2018

Our Vice President Claudia Schwarz will be at Midem this year. Catch her on Wednesday, June 6th at 4.30 pm on the panel: INNOVATION: DISRUPTION OR SOLUTION”, discussing the innovation …

Global Music Tech Events and Conferences


We have collated a list of all events and conferences on the globe, which are relevant for the music tech startups, artists, the music industry, and other creative entrepreneurs. Feel ...
the great escape 2018

The Great Escape 2018

Claudia Schwarz, VP at MusicTech Germany, will be at this year’s The Great Escape Festival in London with a delegation from the Keychange program to campaign for more diversity and …

MusicTech Startup Safari

MusicTech Startup Safari with students from NTNU Trondheim In the aftermath of Trondheim Calling, the association intensified the contact with NTNU Trondheim and organized a Startup Safari with students of …

republica 18 – Augmenting Creativity and Connectivity

New music-making things:: Augmenting Creativity and Connectivity? This year’s re:publica will focus on the influence of technologies on creative work. Short thesis Opening discussion between Lorenz Grünewald-Schukalla (Gesellschaft für Musikwirtschafts- …

Future Music Camp

Future Music Camp 2018

At this year’s Future Music Camp, the annual event format of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg which focuses on future challenges and opportunities of the music industry, Matthias Strobel, President of MusicTech …